How to add or register a printer to MyPanel
If you wish to start using your Android POS, phone or tablet with a Bluetooth printer, you need to add it to your MyPanel dashboard and generate a unique printer ID. You will be able to log in and connect your printer app with this printer ID and the password you set during the process. If you did not purchase the printer from us, you need to register your device with our system first. Please follow the instructions in the ‘Register a device’ section below this page. Click on “Register a device to MyPanel” from the table of contents on the right side of this page for quick access.
Add a Device to MyPanel
Step 1 – Login to your MyPanel dashboard
- Use any browser to navigate to
- Enter your login details. If you haven’t got one, follow the link to register.

STEP 1 – Login To Your MyPanel Dashboard
Step 2 – Add a Printer
- Click the Add a Printer button.

STEP 2 – Add a Printer
Step 3 – Enter Your Printer S/N Number
- To add your printer, you need to enter your printer S/N (serial) number.
- To find this, please check the back of your POS printer that you bought from us.
- Check the back of the printer Box to get it.
- If you didn’t buy the Device from PrinterCo then please check the article below this page ” How to Register a Device”

STEP 3 – Enter You Printer S/N Number
Step 4.1 – Enter Printer Details
- Here you can enter more information for your printer. However, the following fields are mandatory and must be filled.
- Device Manager Password – This is a password you need to create. It helps to prevent any unauthorised access to the printer and its settings. Please note, you’ll need to enter this on the printer login screen to connect to our server.
- Business Name – This is the name of the business the printer will be sent to.
- Activate – Make sure to activate the printer.

STEP 4.1 – Enter Printer Details
Step 4.2 – Set Printing Settings
- If you scroll down you will find options to change some printing settings. Changes made here will be applied only to this printer. Alternatively, if you tick the “Use global” checkbox, this will apply the standard settings that are applied to all printers by default. You can change the global settings by navigating to Printers > Global Configuration.
- Rejected reasons – Define the list of rejected reasons to select from when an order is rejected.
- Receipt copies count – Define the number of additional receipt copies you need.
- Auto-print – Enable or disable the option to automatically print orders received from a website/app.
- Auto accepts – Enable or disable the option to automatically accept orders received from a website/app.
- Print device time – Enable or disable the option to print the date & time of when the order is printed. This is printed at the top of the receipt.
- Print payment – Enable or disable the option to print the payment method used by the customer (i.e. PAID or NOT PAID)
- Print phone – Enable or disable the option to print the telephone number.
- Print comment – Enable or disable the option to print a customer’s comments.
- Print blank – Enable or disable the option to print blank lines between food items.
- Print header – Enable or disable the option to print the receipt header. You can change the contents of this via the API or our WooCommerce plugin.
- Print footer – Enable or disable the option to print the receipt footer. You can change the contents of this via the API or our WooCommerce plugin.
- Print order ID – Enable or disable the option to print order ID.
- Print times – Enable or disable the option to print the “Order Time” and “Requested Time” fields printed on the receipt.
- Print type – Enable or disable the option to print the order type (i.e. Collection or Delivery)
- Print info – Enable or disable the option to print the customer name and address.
- Print status – Enable or disable the option to print the order status (i.e. Accepted, Rejected, or Pending)

STEP 4.2 – Set Printing Settings
Step 4.3 – Set Font Settings
- Select the font sizes for each of the labels mentioned in the previous step.
- Along with making the text bold, you can also choose from the following font sizes:
- Extra Small
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra Large
- To see how the default font settings look compared to the 80mm Just-Eat receipts, click here.

STEP 4.3 – Set Font Settings
Step 4.4 – Set Additional Print Settings
- Lastly, set additional printing settings:
- Print discount – Enable or disable the option to print order discount amounts.
- Print delivery – Enable or disable the option to print the delivery time.
- Print handling – Enable or disable the option to print the credit card charge or any order handling fees.
- Enter delivery – Enable or disable the option to enter a delivery time. This tells customers how long to wait to expect their delivery order. The time you select is added on top of the customer’s requested time.
- Use opening time – Enable or disable the option to use the opening time feature found in your MyPanel dashboard.
- Print first customer – Enable or disable the option to print a message to show whether this is a new customer.
- Print previous order – Enable or disable the option to print the total number of orders submitted by the customer who placed the order.
- Delivery – Select from the dropdown a default delivery time for when orders are accepted automatically by our API.
- Click the submit button once you finished.
- You will be redirected to the printer list page where you’ll now find your Printer ID.

STEP 4.4 – Set Additional Print Settings
Register a Device to MyPanel
Step 1 – Login to your MyPanel dashboard
- Use any browser to navigate to
- Enter your login details. If you haven’t got one, follow the link to register.

STEP 1 – Login To Your MyPanel Dashboard
Step 2 – Register a Device
- Click the Add a Printer button.

STEP 2 – Register a device
Step 3 – Enter Your Printer S/N Number
- To add your device, you need to enter your POS printer or PHONE S/N (serial) and IMEI Number.
- To find this, please check the back of your POS printer or Mobile Phone or the back of the Box.
- Alternatively, you can find the SN and IMEI numbers from the Android OS of your device. Turn on the POS terminal, Mobile phone or Tablet. Go to the settings and find out “About device” and click on it. Here it should show the SN and IMEI numbers.
- If you don’t find your SN and IMEI number then no worries. Still, you can Generate your SN and IMEI number and you can complete your registration process. For serial Numbers enter SN with 12 digits like this SN956XXXXXXX. For IMEI please Enter IMEI and 14 digits like this IMEI702XXXXXXX

STEP 3 – Enter the Serial Number and Click on Submit button.
Step 4 – Continue registering your device
- Please click on the register button to continue.

STEP 4 – Click on Register Now button.
Step 5 – Fill up the Device registration form.
- Select your device type from the product list. If you are registering a POS terminal then you will find all the compatible devices in the list. If you don’t see your device in the list then it might not be compatible with our system. You can run a quick test of your device from here before registering. If you registering an Android phone or tablet then select Android Phone & Printer or Android Tablet & Printer.
- Select How many devices you want to register.
- Enter your IMEI number. If you don’t have it then follow the IMEI format given earlier.
- Click on submit button.

STEP 5 – Complete the registration form.