PrinterCo App Releases (changelog)

Latest Release!

All app releases and change logs. The Best Order Printing app powered by PrinteCo.
App Build: 11.5 

Release Date: 15-07-2024

Model: CITAQ H10 | CITAQ V8 | CITAQ H14 | CITAQ S1 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON |  Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s|PrinterCo H10 |Z92 |Z93 |

Download: app-release-15072024.apk


  • Some Known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 11.5 (With TPS900 Device support)

Release Date: 15-07-2024

Model: TPS900| JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON |  Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s|PrinterCo H10 |Z92 |Z93 |

Download: app-release-15072024T.apk


  • Some Known bugs were fixed. 
App Build: 11.4 

Release Date: 08-07-2024

Model: TPS900| JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON |  Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s|PrinterCo H10 |Z92 |Z93 |

Download: app-release-08072024T.apk


  • Open and close the shop status from the printer app.
  • Control SMS notification.
  • Some Known bugs were fixed. 

App Build: 11.4 (Without TPS900 device support)

Release Date: 08-07-2024

Model: CITAQ H10 | CITAQ V8 | CITAQ H14 | CITAQ S1 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON |  Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s|PrinterCo H10 |Z92 |Z93 |

Download: app-release-08072024.apk


  • Open and close the shop status from the printer app.
  • Control SMS notification.
  • Some Known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 10.9

Release Date: 24-01-2024

Model: CITAQ H10 | CITAQ V8 | CITAQ H14 | CITAQ S1 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON |  Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s|PrinterCo H10 |Z92 |Z93 |

Download: app-release-24012024.apk


  • You can now customize your receipt layout.
  • Improved logo printing.
  • Some Known bugs were fixed.8
App Build: 10.5 

Release Date: 14-11-2023

Model: CITAQ H10 | CITAQ V8 | CITAQ H14 | CITAQ S1 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON | Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8 |PrinterCo H10s

Download: app-release-14112023T.apk


  • Fixed line breaking in the receipt.
  • Added more time slots for entering the delivery time screen.
  • Added currency symbol with item price.
  • Adjusted font size for small and medium fonts.
  • Some Known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 10.5 

Release Date: 14-11-2023

Model: TPS900 only

Download: app-release-14112023T.apk


  • Fixed line breaking in the receipt.
  • Added more time slots for entering the delivery time screen.
  • Added currency symbol with item price.
  • Adjusted font size for small and medium fonts.
  • Some Known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 10.4 

Release Date: 18-10-2023

Model: CITAQ H10 | CITAQ V8 | CITAQ H14 | CITAQ S1 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro | Sunmi V2s | H5 | EPSON | Bluetooth Printer | USB thermal printer |PrinterCo H8

Note: This version is compatible with almost all POS printers that support Bluetooth or USB over ESC/POS command.

Download: app-release-18102023.apk


  • Make the app compatible with printing over USB using the ESC/POS command.
  • Now compatible with CITAQ H10, CITAQ V8 and other CITAQ Android POS.
  • Some known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 10.4 

Release Date: 18-10-2023

Model: TPS900 only

Download: app-release-18102023T.apk


  • Make the app compatible with printing over USB using the ESC/POS command.
  • Some known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 9.3

Release Date: 25-05-2023

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro| H8 

Download: app-release-25052023.apk


  • New simple design layout.
  • Now you can print VAT on the receipt.
  • you can change the ringtone sound and duration of the ringtone.
  • Do you want to change the label name from collection to Pickup? Now you can change all label names from Mypanel.
  • Cancel the order and it will be cancelled on your website.
  • Orders running late will be marked as Late!
  • Improved receipt layout.
  • Re-connect button to connect to the app quickly without logging out from it. 
  • Some known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 8.5

Release Date: 25-01-2023

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro| H8 

Download: app-release-23012023.apk


  • New design for order details screen
  • New driver assignment and Notification system. Now you can assign a driver from the printer to collect your order and deliver them.
  • Orders deleted from MyPanel will be deleted from the printer.
  • Now you can Edit the SMS template from MyPanel, which syncs with the app.
  • Collection orders will be marked as “Ready for collection” Upon dispatch.
  • Some text was not translated into another language in the previous version. It is now fixed on this release.

App Build: 8.3

Release Date: 23-06-2022

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro| H8 | H5

Download: app-release-23062022.apk


  • Some Known bugs were fixed.
  • Print Orders manually upon accepting the orders.
  • Print toppings in a more organized way.
  • Print comments for reservation orders..Some known bugs were fixed.

App Build: 8.2

Release Date: 20-06-2022

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro| H8 | H5

Download: app-release-20062022.apk


  • Some Known bugs were fixed.
  • Print Orders manually upon accepting the orders.
  • Print toppings in a more organized way.
  • Print comments for reservation orders.

App Build: 8.1

Release Date: 25-02-2022

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-25022022.apk


  • New feature: You can now build a Master-Slave relationship between printers.
  • Accepted orders on a master printer will be sent to the slave printer.
  • Perfect if a kitchen requires a copy of the receipt while the shop-front handles the order.
  • Bug Fixed: Sent SMS dialogue box will close automatically after 30 secs.

App Build: 7.10

Release Date: 27-08-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-27082021.apk


  • New feature: You can now build a Master-Slave relationship between printers.
  • Accepted orders on a master printer will be sent to the slave printer.
  • Perfect if a kitchen requires a copy of the receipt while the shop-front handles the order.

App Build: 7.9

Release Date: 17-06-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-17062021-2.apk


  • Now compatible with Sunmi V2.

App Build: 7.8

Release Date: 17-06-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-17062021-1.apk


  • Option to edit incoming orders before accepting.
  • Change, Edit or Remove item quantity, name and price.

App Build: 7.7

Release Date: 09-06-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-09062021.apk


  • Bug fix for order dispatched fixed.
  • The option is now given to dispatch orders without sending SMS.

App Build: 7.6

Release Date: 27-05-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-27052021.apk


  • Bug fix for WordPress plug-in ‘Five Star Table Reservation’.
  • Double tab no longer required.
  • New email controls for reservations now available.

App Build: 7.5

Release Date: 20-05-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-20052021.apk


  • Bug fix for WordPress plug-in ‘Five Star Table Reservation’.
  • Rejected reservation now being parsed successfully.
  • Requires plugin ‘POS_Printer_for_WooCommerce-2.7.3’

App Build: 7.4

Release Date: 30-04-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-30042021.apk


  • Now compatible with FoodStore Addons for WooCommerce.
  • Requires plugin ‘POS_Printer_for_WooCommerce-2.7’

App Build: 7.3

Release Date: 22-04-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-22042021.apk


  • Bug fixed related to printing for unknown TPS900 model.

App Build: 7.2

Release Date: 08-04-2021

Model: TPS900 | JP-Q2 | Sunmi V2 Pro

Download: app-release-08042021.apk


  • Now compatible with Sunmi V2 Pro – available to download from the Sunmi marketplace

App Build: 7.1

Release Date: 30-03-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-30032021.apk


  • More bugs fixed relating to daily reports.
  • New remote app-update feature built-in.

App Build: 6.9

Release Date: 18-03-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-18032021.apk


  • Bug fixed relating to daily reports

App Build: 6.8

Release Date: 05-03-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-11032021.apk


  • Options to automatically top-up SMS credit
  • Option to extend delivery time and update customers via SMS
  • SMS alerts when the printer is offline
  • SMS alerts when orders are pending

App Build: 6.7

Release Date: 23-02-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-23022021.apk


  • Options to send SMS confirmation as soon as orders are accepted or rejected.

App Build: 6.6

Release Date: 15-02-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-15022021.apk


App Build: 6.5

Release Date: 14-01-2021

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-14012021.apk


  • Fixed bug relating to printing custom fields using WordPress plugin “Extra Fees Plugin for WooCommerce”

App Build: 6.3

Release Date: 24-12-2020

Model: TPS900 and JP-Q2

Download: app-release-24122020.apk


  • Now compatible with the JP-Q2 android printer.

App Build: 6.2

Release Date: 01-12-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-01122020.apk


  • Now support printing currency symbols £ $ €
  • For anymore please email a request to

App Build: 6.1

Release Date: 16-11-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-16112020.apk


  • Countdown timer bug fix
  • Timer continued to countdown even after the order was dispatched.

App Build: 6.0

Release Date: 13-11-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-13112020.apk


  • Print In The Background
  • Ideal for GloriaFood and other platforms where an addition Android app is required to accept e-commerce orders.

App Build: 5.9

Release Date: 30-10-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-30102020.apk


  • Swipe To Dispatch
  • Now you can easily mark orders as “DISPATCHED” without having to send an SMS to customers.
  • Simply swipe orders to the right to dispatch, and swipe left to undo. For more information, visit Dispatch and Send SMS Order Notification
  • Easy way to quickly top-up SMS credit when dispatching an order.

App Build: 5.8

Release Date: 05-10-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-05102020.apk


  • Print Email Orders
  • Ability to convert email orders for printing. Please email to request your unique printer email address for this service.
  • Naming convention updates on ABOUT page of the PrinterCo app.

App Build: 5.7

Release Date: 18-09-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-21082020.apk


  • Device Translation
  • Phase 2 of translating the device completed – more item menus and receipt print out also now translated when language setting is changed.

App Build: 5.6

Release Date: 21-08-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-21082020.apk


  • Woo365
  • API now available for our WooCommerce plugin. This allows any WordPress plugin to integrate with our plugin easily.
  • Requires our WooCommerce plugin version 2.6
  • API documentation: COMING SOON

App Build: 5.5

Release Date: 28-07-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-28072020.apk


App Build: 5.4

Release Date: 24-07-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-24072020.apk


  • WordPress plugin “Five Star Restaurant Reservations”
  • Compatible with the WordPress plugin “Five Star Restaurant Reservations” developed by FiveStarPlugins. This allows the option to print table reservation requests with the option to accept or reject them.
  • Plugin:
  • Tutorial: COMING SOON

App Build: 5.3

Release Date: 02-07-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-02072020.apk

Details: Push notifications

App Build: 5.2

Release Date: 15-06-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-15062020.apk


App Build: 5.1

Release Date: 08-05-2020

Model: TPS900

Download: app-release-08052020.apk


24th March 2020


Version: 24032020

Download: app-release-24032020.apk

Details: Bug fixes for new batched of TPS900 printers (black colour)

7th August 2019


Version: 07082019

Download: app-release-07082019.apk

Details: improved efficiency of mobile data usage (SIM card)

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