Features that will win you over

Accept or Reject an Order

When a new order comes, our order printer will pop up an option to accept or reject the order. Notification will be sent to the customer through email and SMS

Enter delivery or collection time while accepting

From the printer, you will be able to enter the time that requires to prepare the order. Your customer will notify immediately from your website as well as email and SMS notifications can be sent.

Set automated printing at a busy hour

Do you want to get rid of accepting and printing online orders at rush hour? Turn on auto print and auto-accept from your printer settings. All your orders will be accepted and printed out automatically without any interaction.

More Fonts

Now you can choose from five different font sizes to customize your receipts. No coding is required. Show or hide information you think is important for your staff and customers

Edit an order before accepting

Get more control over your online orders. Are you getting orders that some items are not available at that moment? You can preview the order items before accepting them. You can add/edit or delete an item or edit the price before accepting.

Dispatch Notifications

Let your customers know that their order has been dispatched! Slide the order and mark it as dispatched. Our printer will send an SMS notification to your customer.

Reprint order or Set multiple copies to print

You can reprint an order whenever you want, also you can set multiple copies to print while printing orders.

Type and Print

Don’t let your printer idle. We have a type and print option. Suitable for taking orders from the table. Write the order from the screen and print it.

Automatic Updates

No more nasty surprises with bugs. As soon as we’re aware of an issue, we’ll work on the fix and release a new build. The printer will automatically find any new updates and install them themselves. Saving you time and hassle from a potential disaster with your online business.

Take Control

PrinterCo undraw connected world wuay

Stable Connection

With similar thermal printers on the market, you may have or will experience at times your connection to timeout. This is extremely frustrating during busy business hours, particularly on the weekends.

The Android OS has demonstrated to eliminate this problem, time after time. No idling connections that take forever to come back online.

Even if your thermal printer has been idle for a number of hours, resuming back to the expected performance occurs immediately. Always warmed up and ready to go! Start printing orders from Wocommerce, Shopify, Opencart straight to your kitchen.

Remote Control

Our intuitive Web-based printer management dashboard gives you full control over your printers. It allows you to operate the printers remotely and having to make adjustments to the printer settings without getting physical access to the printers. Forget about traveling to your client’s shop to make adjustments on the printer! We make it easy from a web dashboard.

You will be able to add unlimited printers on your account and assign each of them for individual restaurants or websites. Each printer will generate an unique printer ID which will allow you to assign for a particular website or app. Our web dashboard will allow you to make any adjustment that you need to any of your printers like, changing receipt style, font size, print a logo on the receipt, setting up automatic printing, enable or disable any specific information and function that you want/don’t want to print on the receipt etc. We have covered it all.

Live Status

The live connection status is displayed conveniently at the top of the app. This allows you to know if your printer is offline, rather than an angry customer calling up to let you know in their own ways!

Printer Setup Within 2 Sec!

With just a printer ID and a password, the printer is ready to go. The main is done from your account. Add your printer by entering the serial number and giving it a password. A printer ID will then be automatically generated for you.

Quick Useful Tools

One of many of these tools is the ability to send a test order directly from the printer. Either test your server connections or check if your receipt font changes are suitable for the job. More tools to be added here in the future
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PrinterCo undraw product iteration kjok

Built-in TroubleShooting

Access to live chat and forums are built straight into the app.

Users can now get the support they need quickly and efficiently.

And since you’ll already be logged into your printer, we can skip the boring account verification process.

Benefits Of An Android Device

We don’t add any shell’s on our devices. This means users can get the most out of their investment and use the android device however they want. Whether to take PayPal payments or manage their social media

Ready For Development

Our platform has been developed to be eco-friendly ready to adopt new tools and features quickly and efficiently.

These include but are not limited to SMS order notifications and live delivery order tracking.

Upgrade your business tools and increase your customer experience

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